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Selectmen Minutes 03/08/2007
Chichester Board of Selectmen
March 8, 2007                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

MEMBERS PRESENT:  Chairman MacCleery, Selectman Colbert, Selectman DeBold and Administrator Lisa Stevens.  

Chairman MacCleery opened the meeting at 5:35pm  

SUBJECT: Fire Department – Interim Fire Chief Appointment
PRESENT: Fire Chief Mike Paveglio; 10 Fire Department members

Point of order – Selectman DeBold informed the body that the meeting had been posted as a non-public session between the Board of Selectmen and the Fire Chief to discuss a personnel matter.  If the public intends on speaking, this meeting will need to be closed and reconvened not less than 24 hours so that it can be duly posted as a public meeting.  The department members chose to reschedule a meeting with the Board of Selectmen for Monday, March 12, 2007, at 5:30pm.  

SUBJECT: Fire Chief Interim Appointment
PRESENT: Mike Paveglio

Motion Chairman MacCleery second Selectman Colbert to enter into non-public session pursuant to RSA 91:A -3, ll ( c ) in which matters discussed in public would likely adversely affect the reputation of any person.  The Chairman called for the vote.  Colbert – yes; DeBold – yes; MacCleery – yes.  All were in favor.  Motion carries.  

Motion Chairman MacCleery second Selectman DeBold to close the non-public session.  The Chairman called for the vote.   Colbert – yes; DeBold – yes; MacCleery – yes.  All were in favor.  Motion carries.  

Motion Chairman MacCleery second Selectman DeBold to seal the minutes of the non-public session for a period of ten (10) years.  All were in favor.  Motion carries.  

SUBJECT: Town Organization Committee – Final Report
PRESENT:  Bruce Dyke, Lisa Drouse, Alan Mayville
OTHERS PRESENT: David Kenneally and Gil Vien

Chairman MacCleery apologized on behalf of the Board for running late.  

The purpose of this meeting is to address the concerns of the department heads regarding the accuracy of the figures represented in each department’s analysis as reported in the committee’s final report.  

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BOS minutes
March 8, 2007

Road Agent, David Kenneally stated he was comfortable with his numbers just not sure about the other towns. Mr. Kenneally was concerned that the towns were not compared like for like and that the representatives from the other towns may not have understood the line of questioning to extrapolate all the numbers that may comprise that town’s operating budget.    

Mr. Dyke explained the report is intended to be a beginning process not an ending. The intent of the committee was not to go into the minutia of the budget, just a general sense of where the towns are in relation to each other.  

Bruce has revised the letter to be sent to all the towns who participated in the data collection to help explain the methodology used to arrive at the final comparisons.  

Mr. Mayville commented that the committee should be asking the same questions to all the towns the same way and perhaps more on a one to one basis to increase participation and accuracy.

Ms. Drouse added this report is not an auditing process but rather a tool to move forward to point out the opportunities or areas in which a town may wish to work on.  He urged the Board and department heads not to get hung up on is A & B the same.  

Selectman DeBold stated he is troubled with the fact that major changes were made at the last minute.  He went over a report he had obtained from the NH Department of Transportation listing mileage of all the roads in the state.  The road mileage did not match what was listed in the report.  This was the measure used to compute cost per mile.  Selectman DeBold stated when you compute by the correct number of town maintained roads, it brings everyone’s numbers up and a lot closer to the Town of Chichester.  “These top benchmarks are very important numbers.”  “The report needs to be reviewed.”

Mr. Dyke, speaking for the committee stated the committee does not feel the process was rushed or not scrutinized enough.  “When does the process end?”

Selectman DeBold replied, “When the Board of Selectmen is comfortable with the report.”   “I don’t understand the urgency.”  

Ms. Drouse added that the last three weeks was for a peer review.  The committee encouraged people to be engaged in the process.  

Mr. Dyke stated the committee wanted a joint release of the report.  He asked, “What else is it going to take?”

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March 8, 2007

Selectman DeBold answered the Board needs a comfort level and asked for a review of the highway numbers, predominately Class V roads.  

Finally discussed was the procedure for making copies and getting them distributed.  A copy of the report will be put on the town’s website.

Being no further business, the Chairman adjourned the meeting at 7:30PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Lisa Stevens

Stephen MacCleery, Chairman

David Colbert

Richard DeBold

Board of Selectmen
Town of Chichester              

                                                                APPROVED AS WRITTEN